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New Standards Exhibit

Sat, Aug 31


Arena Stage

DC Jazz Festival and the Berklee Institute for Jazz and Gender Justice present New Standards Exhibit: Shifting The Narrative Curated by Terri Lyne Carrington

New Standards Exhibit
New Standards Exhibit

Time & Location

Aug 31, 2024, 11:00 AM – Sep 01, 2024, 7:30 PM

Arena Stage, 1101 6th St SW, Washington, DC 20024, USA

About the event


11:00 AM – Exhibit Opening Premiere with Curator Talk and Tour by Terri Lyne Carrington (refreshments served). Panelists: Terri Lyne Carrington, John Murph, Carmen Lundy. Moderated by Gordon Chambers. (Arena Stage/Molly Smith Study)

6:30 PM - New Standards All-Stars Concert featuring Terri Lyne Carrington, Dianne Reeves, Bill Frissell, Gerald Clayton, Carmen Lundy, Ben Williams, Kris Davis, Brandee Younger. Hosted by Ron Carter (Arena Stage/Fichandler Theatre)

DC JazzFest at the Wharf VIP and Seated Ticket holders get access to the concert included in their ticket.


7:30 PM – Exhibition VIP Reception (Arena Stage)

New Standards Exhibit: Shifting The Narrative, Curated by Terri Lyne Carrington, addresses the theme of Jazz and Gender Justice by examining the intersection of history, gender, race, and innovation, with transformative and provocative multimedia art and performances. The exhibition will open Saturday, August 31, 2024, with talk and tour, followed by a concert. The exhibit will remain open through October 13, 2024.

Credit: The New Standards Exhibition DC is in partnership with the Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice with major support provided by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. Additional support provided by Arena Stage. The exhibit is on loan by The Carr Center through October 13, 2024.  Many thanks to The Carr Center, Oliver Ragsdale, Jr., President, Terry Stewart and Meredith Rutledge-Borger, Co-Project Managers.

Many thanks to the DC Jazz Festival, Sunny Sumter, President and CEO, Willard Jenkins, Artistic Director, Asha Moses, Program Manager. Many thanks to Arena Stage, Hana Sherif, Artistic Director, Edgar Dobie, President. Many thanks to Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice, Terri Lyne Carrington, Founder and Artistic Director, Aja Burrell Woods, Managing Director, Devon Gates, Research Assistant. The Carr Center would like to acknowledge The Rogers Company, Blue Pony, and Doris Duke Charitable Foundation ; The Ford Foundation, Kresge Foundation, Hudson-Webber Foundation and the Erb Family Foundation


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The DC Jazz Festival®, a 501(c)(3) non-profit service organization, and its programs are made possible, in part, with major grants from the Government of the District of Columbia, Muriel Bowser, Mayor; DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities; National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs program of the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts; DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music & Entertainment, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development; and with awards from Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Gillon Family Charitable Fund, Galena-Yorktown Foundation, Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, Leonard and Elaine Silverstein Family Foundation, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Dallas Morse Coors Foundation for the Performing Arts, Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Mid Atlantic Arts,  The Venable Foundation, Arts Forward Fund of the Greater Washington Community Foundation, Les Paul Foundation, Ella Fitzgerald Foundation, Wells Fargo Foundation, New Music USA, Carefirst, and HumanitiesDC. ©2024 DC Jazz Festival. All rights reserved. 

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